Mohandas k. gandhi economic and moral progress
Mohandas k. gandhi economic and moral progress gandhi summary
Mohandas k. gandhi economic and moral progress in society.
Mahatma Gandhi, his life, writings and speeches/Economic vs. Moral Progress
M. K. Gandhi delivered an instructive lecture on "Does economic progress clash with real progress?" at a meeting of the Muir Central College Economic Society held in the Physical Science Theatre. The Hon. Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya presided]:—
When I accepted Mr.
Kapildeva Malaviya's invitation to speak to you upon the subject of this evening, I was painfully conscious of my limitations. You are an economic society.
Mohandas k. gandhi economic and moral progress
"You have chosen distinguished specialists for the subjects included in your syllabus for this year and the next. I seem to be the only speaker ill-fitted for the task set before him. Frankly and truly, I know very little of economics, as you naturally understand them.
Only the other day, sitting at an evening meal, a civilian friend deluged me with a series of questions on my crankisms. As he proceeded in his cross-examination, I being a w