Del kathryn barton born

  • Del kathryn barton born
  • Del kathryn barton born in california...



    Born in 1972 in Sydney, AUS

    Currently lives and works in Sydney, AUS




    1993       Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine Arts, University of New

                     South Wales, Sydney, AUS




    Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, AUS

    Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, AUS

    Art and Australia, Sydney, AUS

    Artbank, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, AUS

    BHP Billiton Collection, Melbourne, AUS

    Esk Collection, Launceston, AUS

    Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Queensland, AUS

    Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, AUS

    National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, AUS

    RACV Collection, Victoria, AUS

    The Flinders Collection, Melbourne, AUS

    The Acacia Collection, Melbourne, AUS

    The International School of Tourism, New South Wales, AUS

    The University of Sydney Union Collection, Sydney, AUS

    The Students Association, Colle