St brigid catholic church dublin ohio
St brigid catholic school...
St brigid catholic church dublin ohio
“C’ead Mile Failte”
(A Hundred Thousand Welcomes)
Our Irish roots are reflected in the above Gaelic blessing that St. Brigid of Kildare has used to welcome the thousands of parishioners that have joined our parish since its founding 30 years ago.
Paul’s instruction to the Romans was to “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you” (Rom 15:7). With this in mind, the theme for our Tapestry Program is Hospitality. Led by our Steering Committee, our various committees, ministries, and parish leadership will focus on making our parishioners and visitors feel at home in our parish. Hospitality is the first thing that greets you when you walk through our church doors. Let us all work together to make our visitors feel that they are part of the Body of Christ and an integral part of our communal worship.
If you’re new to the parish, welcome! Click here for more.
If you’re considering becoming Catholic, Learn more about OCIA here.