Early church music composers biography
Early church music composers biography timeline.
Church Music throughout the Ages
Music like all artistic expression is a gift of God to humankind.
Early church music composers biography
And like any of God's gifts, music can be put to good use or to bad use; it can be used in holy ways or in unholy ways; it can be a power for virtue or for vice.
God's people in both the Old and New Testaments played musical instruments and sang in a variety of ways so that God would be praised, the believers would be edified and the people of the world would hear about and perhaps come to serve our almighty God.
In contrast to this, we can find several instances in the Bible where music and song are put to bad use.
Early in human history, Lamech, from the line of Cain, sang to his wives out of a spirit of pride and revenge: "I have killed a man for wounding me ... If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times" (Genesis 4:23-24).
Coming down from Mt. Sinai, Moses heard singing coming from the Israelite camp. With their idolatrous songs they were making music