Samples of short stories-pictures
Samples of short stories-pictures
Samples of short stories-pictures and answers...
Photo Story Examples
There are many simple ways to put together pictures and text to tell an instructional story. These stories can feature children, include humor and cover the most mundane topics.
They can be fun, engaging and include pictures of oneself. For this DIY Tech Project, you'll practice making a photo story. Please download the detailed directions on the course site (Week 8).
The assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to:
a) experience designing a photo story for or with your student(s)
b) consider how you can integrate this strategy in your classroom
c) reflect on how photo stories can support objectives for your student(s)
Sample photo stories
Here are five sample photo stories made by former students.
The following two photo stories show how students used photos and text to tell a short story. Note how the students took interesting/meaningful photos and combined it with text to tell a shor