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Paramahansa Yogananda was a great admirer of RamaTirtha, translating many of RamaTirtha‘s poems from Bengali into English, and putting some of them to music.
One of RamaTirtha‘s poems, titled “Marching Light” appeared in Yogananda’s book of Hindu chants Cosmic Chantsas “Swami Ram Tirtha‘s Song.”
PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA: God has given you the power to dynamite all your troubles. “Beware O ye mountains, stand not in my way!
Your ribs will be shattered and tattered today!” A great swami Ram Tirtha wrote those words. “I hitch to my chariot the fates and the Gods!”
…We can hitch to the chariot of our will the prisoners of habits and drive them, instead of letting them drive us.
To be able to do the things that we know we should do, not merely the things we whimsically want to do, is to be really free.
This chant is included on the SRF CD/mp3 download I Will Sing Thy Name
Swami Ram T