Autobiography of school bag essays on abortion

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  • Autobiography of school bag essays on abortion

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    How To Write A Persuasive Essay On Abortion

    How To Write a Persuasive Essay About Abortion?

    Abortion is a controversial topic, with people having differing points of view and opinions on the matter.

    There are those who oppose abortion, while some people endorse pro-choice arguments. 

    It is also an emotionally charged subject, so you need to be extra careful when crafting your persuasive essay.

    Before you start writing your persuasive essay, you need to understand the following steps.

    Step 1: Choose Your Position

    The first step to writing a persuasive essay on abortion is to decide your position.

    Do you support the practice or are you against it? You need to make sure that you have a clear opinion before you begin writing. 

    Once you have decided, research and find evidence that supports your position. This will help strengthen your argument. 

    Check out the video below to get more insights into this topic:

    Step 2: Choose Your Audience

    The next step is to d